Signs of Love Addiction

Addiction is a strong word associated with other words like drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. But an addiction can form around any action or object that brings a perceived sense of satisfaction or a sense of control. Love addiction, for example, occurs in people who become attached to the feelings and the ideals associated with love and relationships. Love addiction can form as a result of past neglect, abuse, or even loneliness. Often, the people who suffer from love addiction do not know it – and sometimes their peers and family members don’t either. However, most love addicts exhibit one or more of the common signs and symptoms of addiction.

Did you know?

Some of the signs and symptoms of love addiction include:

  • A fear of being alone, now or in the future
  • A history of abusive relationships, whether physical or emotional
  • Convincing a partner to remain in a relationship using controlling or manipulative behaviors
  • Becoming unhealthily attached to partners; ‘smothering’
  • Having multiple short-term relationships
  • Feeling ‘unhappy’ or ‘unfulfilled’ without a relationship
  • Continually searching for romance

Frequently Asked Questions

Could I be suffering from love addiction?

You may be suffering from love addiction if you exhibit any of the symptoms listed above. Love addiction is no discriminator of persons, affecting both men and women, teenagers and adults, and people of all backgrounds. It is often easy to mistake love addiction for a personality trait. And while it is true that your personality can predispose you to being a ‘romantic’ person, unhealthy behaviors are usually a sign of an underlying problem.

Can love addiction therapy help me?

Many people get help for love addictions by attending therapy. During these sessions, you can learn the difference between emotions and true affection. You’ll also learn to explore yourself to determine what need you are attempting to satisfy by having a relationship.

How long can I attend love addiction therapy?

You can attend love addiction therapy for as long as it takes for you to reach healing and recovery. By understanding the negative consequences of love addiction and learning how to identify destructive behaviors, you can begin moving forward in your life – which may or may not include the pursuit of a healthy and mutually beneficial relationship.