Couples Counseling

Conflicts are a normal part of healthy relationships. Nearly all couples experiences highs and lows, but many need help in overcoming emotional hurts and wounds associated with conflicts, dishonesty, miscommunication, or some other source of tension in their relationships. Couples counseling is for committed partners – married or not – who have a mutual interest in preserving their relationship and finding a means of overcoming differences. Couples who address their differences head-on in constructive ways are more likely to resolve surface tension, as well as underlying issues. Furthermore, those who learn to address conflicts rather than avoid them are more likely to avoid divorce or separation in the future.

Did you know…

that of the primary causes of both conflict and divorce in the U.S. is money? Studies have shown that the average couple fights over money as many as 5 times per year. Financial strain can put pressure on a relationship, with many partners unwilling to reach a compromise over investments, savings, and spending.

Frequently Asked Questions

My partner and I butt heads from time to time. Do we need couples counseling?

Maybe. Couples counseling is not intended to solve occasional spats or disagreements. Instead, it is meant to help couples learn how to address obstacles in their relationships in healthy and beneficial ways. This includes understanding and respecting a partner’s feelings while clearly communicating your own.

What should I expect during couples counseling?

Counseling sessions typically include both partners and may occur over the course of several weeks or months. The goal is to help each person gain a better understanding of his or her partner’s needs, expectations, and hurts. Ultimately, couples counseling will help you and your partner determine whether to move forward with your relationship or go your separate ways. If you decide to stay together, couples counseling can help you work through pain, distrust, and frustrations associated with issues like religious differences, infidelity, chronic illness, dishonesty, addiction and disputes associated with raising children.

Will I need to follow any special instructions outside of counseling sessions?

Depending on the issues facing your relationship, you may be given ‘homework’ designed to open the lines of communication and transparency between you and your partner. But more so, the relationship tools you acquire in couples therapy will help you work toward a closer, healthier relationship long after counseling is over.